Featured Products
Absorbent Pads and Socks
Absorbent pads and socks help manage most equipment spills and leaks on your facility floor. At SCL, we offer a number of products to help you take control of leaking oils, coolants and chemicals.
Absorbent Bags
Protect leaking containers with absorbent bags help control spills and allow for easy transportation once the cleaning process begins. At SCL, we realize it’s important to control any spills first before moving forward.

Featured Services
It’s rare for businesses in any industry sector to work with one distribution company for all of their product needs. Many times, distributors offer only certain brands, a limited inventory, and a portfolio that doesn’t include specific products that customers want. We coordinate deliveries to your facility, and even work to ensure re-ordering occurs when it needs to so that you can concentrate on the everyday demands of your business.
Client Story
“Our equipment is a $3 million investment. If at any given time, any of our machines go down it will impact our entire operation and all the employees of the company. ”
—Alex Uribe, Operations Manager, AGRI SERVICE